This year, seven HR and Sustainability Managers of Dutch flower companies: Royal van Zanten, FM Group, Dutch Flower Group, Dümmen Orange and the association of wholesalers VGB, completed the first ever round of the Gender Champion Course with Women Win.  

During the course, the participants became aware of the barriers that women working in the flower sector face, for example, in terms of equal pay, access to opportunities, leadership positions and dealing with harassment. They learned to apply the so-called ‘gender lens’, enabling them to actively detect and address issues that women within their company and their supply chain face. A skill that comes in handy when the participants have to implement upcoming sustainability legislation, such as the CSRD and due diligence legislation (CSDDD). Particularly, as the course starts off with a baseline assessment, supporting the participants with investigating whether their company’s policies and practices work for women.  

What are some of the results of the course?

The participants praised the course for exposing them to different perspectives and new insights, enabling them to engage in conversation with suppliers and management, and by making sure the issues are firmly on the agenda of their respective organizations. The course also helped them identify issues within their company or supply chain that were overlooked before. Many of the participants have already taken steps to change policies and practices within their organization, for example, adjusting grievance mechanisms, hosting all-staff diversity and equality workshops and including gender equality in 2030 sustainability strategies.  

Do you also want to become a Gender Champion?

Women Win will launch the second round of the Gender Champion course in March 2024. We are still looking for new participants. Interested? Sign up here.