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What is Due Diligence?
What is Gender-Responsive Due Diligence?
Why is Gender-Responsive Due Diligence important?
Step 1: Embed in policies
Step 2: Identify and assess adverse impacts
Step 3: Address adverse impacts
Step 4: Track implementation and results
Step 5: Communicate how impacts are addressed
Step 6: Provide for remediation
Case Studies
Self-Assessment Quiz
How familiar are you with gender-responsive due diligence?
I do not know much about human rights due diligence yet. Please take me through each of the steps first.
I am familiar with human rights due diligence and would like to know how to integrate gender in the due diligence process.
I would like to understand why integrating gender is important and/or I would like resources to help me convince stakeholders within my company about the importance of GRDD.
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